A Shining Light: Diem Brown

When I read all of your beautiful comments on how much I inspire others, it humbles me, and also gives me joy that I’m potentially helping someone feel positive and hopeful on a tough day. I have various sources of strength, but much of it has been found in my will to live. I want to share how much Diem Brown and her own will has inspired me.

For those of you who are not familiar with the story, Diem is a young woman who was diagnosed with cancer on three different occasions. Despite the fact that she faced a battle that many would consider grim, she continued to take her days one at a time, while always continuing to see her life as beautiful. Her blog offers an infectious positivity that can only bring light to anyone who may be reading it. To me she is the definition of everything a woman with cancer should strive to be. So brave, so strong, so humble, and yet so positive. No matter what type of cancer you may be given, there should never be a time you should give up hope or think that fighting for your life isn’t worth it. Of course there are the dark hours, that’s only healthy, but you cannot forget to see your life the gift that it is, no matter what bump in the road you may encounter.

One of my favorite quotes by her was, “Live as hard and as vigorously as you can.” It’s so short and sweet, yet so powerful and eye opening. Of the many lessons that cancer has a way of teaching you, I think this is one of the most valuable. Don’t let your life pass you by. If you’re faced with an uphill battle, take one step at a time. Don’t do the what-ifs, don’t try to think of the worst case scenarios, and don’t try to look too much at the big whole war. Just look at the smaller battle, and try to find that light at the end of the tunnel. Even if it’s seemingly dim, focus on that and the many amazing things that are in your life. Open your eyes. Don’t let your crisis take hold of your entire life. You’re still you and have so much living left to do.

Diem Brown passed away yesterday, but she did so in the most courageous way possible. She went out fighting while truly living her life to the fullest for every moment she was given. This woman will continue to be an inspiration to me, and I know to thousands of people with and without cancer. She was one of the true warriors; a lighthouse in the storm. Rest in peace beautiful. Thank you for sharing your story with the world.


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